You know that when it comes to travel with children I'm huge on encouraging families to 'travel with a purpose' and to help put the money you spend back into the pockets of those who need it most

Now my friends at bespoke agency Shadows of Africa - who arrange sustainable safaris and tours throughout Africa - have launched their own dedicated 'Traveling with Purpose' package, combining four of its most popular itineraries with time spent at a local orphanage.
a unique focus on making a positive contribution to the destinations
visited and lasting impact on local people en-route, the new Traveling
with Purpose packages are designed to sate a thirst for adventure with
the chance to spend time giving back. Combining an exploration of
majestic Tanzania with the opportunity to meet new people, become
immersed in a vibrant new culture and help those who need it most,
Shadows of Africa's 2013 Traveling with Purpose itineraries will benefit
the Kibowa Orphanage in Arusha, Tanzania.
Natasa Fras, CEO told me, "Our new Traveling with Purpose itineraries are a unique chance to
see Tanzania through the eyes of an explorer, an adventurer and an
individual whose little act of kindness means the world to the people
encountered. Anyone can book a place on a Traveling with Purpose package
and help by spending time with the children, sharing their skills or
simply engaging in a daily activity. It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance
to volunteer without the luxury of taking six months off work and to see
Africa up close and personal, delving beneath the façade to discover
what really makes the iconic landscape, cultures and people tick."
addition to volunteering at the orphanage, a proportion of the cost of
the trip is devoted to the centre, helping to cover the daily cost of
food for Kibowa's 44 children as well as schooling, shoes, housing and
supplies. Shadows of Africa has already placed each of the 44 children
in a private school, which provides classes in English, and purchased
books, clothes and daily meals.

Holidaymakers can choose from eight,
13 and 18 day tours. Option one couples two days at the orphans centre
with an awe-inspiring Kilimanjaro climb, safari and several days
relaxation on Zanzibar's spice island. Set over 18 days, this itinerary
can also be enjoyed over an eight day stay.
Ms Fras added, "All
of those who have enjoyed a Travel with Purpose itinerary so far are
still connected with us, helping to raise funds and promote the
orphanage. Travel to Tanzania could be life changing. Whether you are
planning the trip of a lifetime, a gap year abroad or simply need a
holiday, you can make a difference when you travel, not only for
yourself but for the people and places you visit."